Acupressure and Tui Na massage are often found in use together. Acupressure is the application of pressure to locations on the body that would otherwise have had acupuncture needles applied. This pressure is sustained for several minutes and applied several times, possibly with different techniques, in order to stimulate the acupoint and its therapeutic values.
Tui Na is a style of Chinese medical massage using special techniques along specific areas to create stimulation, activation and other specific effects on the body, in order to ultimately stimulate balance within the body. These techniques are applied to a general area, specific meridians pathway and/or specific acupuncture points depending on the acupuncturist's methods of treatment. Oils, Lotions, and other external medicines may be applied.
Tui Na is a style of Chinese medical massage using special techniques along specific areas to create stimulation, activation and other specific effects on the body, in order to ultimately stimulate balance within the body. These techniques are applied to a general area, specific meridians pathway and/or specific acupuncture points depending on the acupuncturist's methods of treatment. Oils, Lotions, and other external medicines may be applied.